
Hi guys, I want to know how I can make this blog better! Tell me if you have any suggestions for the blog, like post ideas or new features. Just comment below and tell me what you want from this blog! Do you want more glitches? Do you want more information about Beta Times? Do you want me to post about new items more? What do you want MORE of? What do you want LESS of? Tell me anything, and I'll try to make it work! :)


  1. Can you put some polls? Also, maybe you could add another page, and maybe some more information on Beta Times. :)

  2. Well, I play Animal Jam also, and I was just wondering if you had any idea about if you can still get rare pets and how. I really like rare stuff and maybe you can talk about AJ rares and stuff on your blog. If you already have that stuff, sorry to bother you. I just didn't see it. By the way, I like your blog! :) I'll check this page to see your reply.

    1. Thanks for reading my blog, and no problem! I like getting suggestions because I want my blog readers to read what they want, so I can talk about rares and rare pets if you want! Thanks so much! :)

  3. You could also have codes on your blog because some get you gems so you could decorate your animal or den. I really like your blog to friend me on AJ my user is ASPCAISAWESOME I'm a arctic wolf... Waiting your reply!

  4. I also have a clan..[Thunderclan] But its not as good as a lot of other people i know.... can you look at my den and see if its clan appropriate or if im a good clan leader... please reply -ASPCAISAWESOME

    1. Hi there! Thank you! I'm glad you like my blog. I'm not really a "clanner," but my sister likes clanning and the Warrior Cats and stuff like that, so I'll tell her to take a look at your den (her username is Lpiggy). Also, sorry if I declined your buddy request, sometimes I decline random requests. But next time I go on I'll be sure to buddy you! ^_^

  5. You can add a tab for the animal jam clans...:3

    1. As I said in the comment above ^ I'm not really a "clanner," but I can ask my sister Lpiggy about clans and maybe she can help me with that part of the blog! I could even ask the other author of this blog about clans. Thanks for your suggestion! :)

  6. Is it ok if you could have a daily giveaway maybe or daily news for 2015?

  7. What did you create the website with?
