Thursday, December 6, 2012

I'm A Part of the News Crew!

Guess what? My News Crew Article won today!!!!! :D
Click on the article to read it, or go to AJHQ's blog,, to see the article. I got this epic plaque to hang in my den, and if I ever become a member, I can use the camera badge!
Anyway, there was a major Jamaaliday update in Jamaa. There were also a new item, the returning Jolly Elf Hat (for nonmembers!!) and the Gingerbread Tree in Jam Mart Furniture!

Also, check out the Alpha video in Jamaa Central... It's epic O_O
And, today's Daily Jamaaliday Gift is 400 gems (probably to buy all the new items that have come out!) Play Wild! :)


  1. OMG! Congrats girl! I can't believe you won! Nice going. =D

    1. Thanks :D I can't wait to become a member so I can wear my camera badge :P

  2. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
