Monday, October 29, 2012

A Discovery... O.o

Today, I was just sitting in Coral Canyons, browsing a few trading lists, when I found something AMAZING.
It's a magenta bow!! O_O I was so shocked, this was my face:
AH!! I love making discoveries :) And I promise, I didn't recolor this bow for more views. That would be untruthful, and I only post the truth. This is a really interesting color. It kind of looks like the pink bow, because the bow and the arrow have the same color. If you've ever seen LittlePigeon's Animal Jam Blog, there's a post about all the bow and arrow colors. Well, this is the ninth color! I think some other Jammers have seen this bow on Best Dressed. I give credit to LittlePigeon for the bow colors they have on their blog. Play Wild!

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