Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lollipop Patch and More

Today there are so many new winter items in Jamaa! First, the Snowman Mask being sold in Jam Mart Clothing...
Awesome! Next, the Jamaaliday Lights being sold in Jam Mart Furniture...
Cool! And the monthly member gift for December...
The Gingerbread Den! And finally, the first Daily Gift for the Jamaalidays...
The Lollipop Patch! The lollipops kind of look like bubbles, because they float up in the air. :) There are so many new winter-themed additions to Jamaa today. Play Wild!


  1. Hi sis, your blog is so much neater and better than mine! :D Your banners are pawsome! Keep up the good blogging.

  2. Aw thank u sis :) your blog is awesome too!! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! :D

  3. Too bad the snowman mask is for members. =(

    1. I know right... I'm hoping to get a membership soon, though, so (maybe) I'll be able to get one! :)
